Newsletter 24th November 2021
Principal News
You can feel the excitement growing throughout the school as we prepare to celebrate a number of events in the next few weeks. Concert, Year 6 Graduation, excursions, Junior Sleepover, Going Up Day, Prep orientation days, just to name some. Rather than go into a lot of detail about each event, I urge you to make sure that you keep in touch with everything by using the calendar on the website and looking out for notes from teachers via See Saw and permission notes through the School Zine app – SZapp. Please check in with the staff if you have any questions or need things clarified.
I was contacted by Catherine from the Bungaree Primary school last Friday. The After School Program will be up and running next year and families from both of our schools are welcome to access the service. If you are interested or want to know more, there is a launch on Friday the 3rd at 6pm at the Bungaree. There is a flyer attached to the newsletter with more information.
Wednesday the 15th of December is our assessment day when we ask the 2022 children to come in for 45 minutes to complete some assessments so the teachers have all the necessary data to start 2022 running. Please book a time through PAM for your child/children to attend.
As mentioned, there is a lot going on and everyone – staff, children and parents all appear mentally and physically exhausted. The end of the year is not far away, but we have a lot to get done before Tuesday the 14th. I urge everyone to rally together and support each other so we can get to the end of the year in a positive, optimistic and hope filled way. This is a time when we need to pull together and celebrate that we have come through a very tough year and look forward to a new start in 2022.
Please be kind, patient and tolerant as we move together as a united team towards the finish line. We are almost there. Let’s finish the year on a high!
Stay calm, go gently and look after yourselves and each other.

Upcoming Dates
25th November Wednesday
Stayback for Juniors and Year 2 Sleepover
30th November Tuesday
School Concert 5.00 - 7.00 pm
6th December Monday
Year 6 Breakup activity
4.30 - 7.00
8th December Wednesday
Year 6 Graduation and End of Year Thanksgiving Mass 6.30pm
10th December Friday
End of year excursion
14th December Tuesday
Last day of school for children
15th December Wednesday
Assessment day for children
16th December Thursday
PD day for staff
17th December Friday
Last day for staff
31st January 2022 Monday
Children return to school
Sacramental Day
The Year 3 and 4 children celebrated and received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist on the 11th November. At the Retreat day the children contributed to a lunch that we all prepared together and ate together. It was very special to be able to eat in the dining room of Fr Sajan's home. The sharing together reminded the children that that is exactly what the mass (Eucharist) is all about, gathering together, listening, sharing and then going out with the message to be kind and caring of others.
Congratulations to Lucy, Oscar, Ahlia, Sullivan, Maeve, Tara and Patrick who along with other children from the parish, received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.

School Concert
The students will just need to wear black clothing on the night (this can be either a black dress, skirt, shorts, shirt or t-shirt) it doesn’t matter if there is other colours or print on it. -the students can wear comfortable shoes such as sneakers. No thongs or slip on shoes as we are moving around a lot we don’t want to lose a shoe in the crowd! -the students will also need a water pistol this can be of any size. If you have extras at home and can lend some out that will also be appreciated that way there is no need to buy this if anyone doesn’t have one at home. Any questions around the concert clothing or props please ask- if you don’t have any of the above items please don’t buy anything we can always substitute or borrow! Thanks Jess, Callum & Jenny
Junior Room
Excitement is building for the end of year concert and the students cannot wait to perform for an audience other than the St Mary's staff! We have been squeezing in extra practice refining 'stage' placements. In both classrooms we are in the process of wrapping up learning cycles and almost ready to commence some Christmas activities!
On Thursday 11th November the students participated in a small liturgy to commemorate the service and sacrifice of the servicemen and women. The students also watched the last post via live stream from the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance service.

This week Cate finished her teacher placement in the Junior Room and although we will miss her teaching us new games and reading funny stories, we know she is on track to become an amazing educator in the future!

We also welcomed Adelaide Gage into the Junior Room for her first official prep transition day. Although Adelaide was a familiar face joining in on daily google meets during remote learning it was far more enjoyable playing games and learning in person!

Senior Room

Gardening and Tidying Roster 2021/2022
Involves general tidying and weeding that will require basic tools and basic safety precautions.
Sweep the deck, sweep the front concrete path, cob web brush buildings, bang mats, weed the garden beds at the front of the school, weed the garden beds at the side of the school, weed the garden beds in the playground.
Gage Family | 22nd Nov – 5th Dec |
McNamara Family | 6th Dec – 19th Dec |
Message from Bishop Paul
November 18, 2021
Hello Everyone,
As you may have seen, the Victorian Government has announced new Covid regulations to come into effect from 11.59pm tonight (Thursday 18 November 2021).
The government website has not yet been fully updated. However, a government page gives a summary of key points. Under the heading “Weddings, funerals and worship”, the summary is as follows.
“If everyone present is fully vaccinated, you can host or attend weddings, funerals and religious ceremonies at places of worship with no capacity limits or density limits. (Vaccination requirements will apply from the age of 12 and 2 months, unless a medical exemption applies.)
If vaccination status isn’t being checked, these events are restricted to one person per 4 square metres up to a maximum of 50 people per facility.
The cap at funerals doesn’t include those required to conduct the funeral and the cap at weddings doesn’t include the marrying couple, celebrant or photographer.”
I note in particular that there are no capacity and density limits for gatherings where everyone present is fully vaccinated. I note also the increase in the limit to 50 people where vaccination status is not being checked. For further details, you could go to the government website as it is more fully updated in the coming days.
I renew my thanks to you all for continuing to support one another through these trying times. As we take another step towards being able to gather for worship as a whole community, may the Holy Spirit unite us more and more with Christ and with one another.
God bless you all.
Bishop Paul Bird CSsR