Newsletter 10th November 2021
Principal News
od with us
and God within us:
just because
we’re all going through it
doesn’t mean this is normal.
Every body’s a little stressed out,
‘out of our comfort zone.’
So we need to find a reserve of patience with ourselves and everyone else.
We all could use a bit more compassion, and the time to take a deep breath.
Help us draw out our more tolerant selves, the ones who can cope with this mess. Give us the space to centre ourselves and find you. At peace. In our midst.
~ The Corrymeela Community
A very appropriate prayer for us all as we begin week 6 of Term 4 in 2021. It feels like it is going to get busy from here on as we try to accommodate a number of events that we have not been able to have up to date. Please go gently and calmly and when needed ‘take a deep breath’ and be kind to yourselves and others as we forge through to the end of the year.
Over the past week, we have had our Annual General Meeting at both schools. It was a wonderful feeling to welcome parents back on site and meet face to face again. We had tears and laughter as we reflected on the year that has been. Although it is easy to focus on all of the things we did not do or could not do, a number of positives were highlighted, such as using technology in new ways and the ability to adapt to changing situations as best as we could. I thank the SAC and P and F for their support of myself and our schools. Zoom meetings proved challenging at times, but we managed. Each school continued their fundraising efforts despite the many hurdles, presented the schools with a cheque that meet their targets. The money raised will go towards the continual improvement of our grounds.
We can now look forward with excitement towards such things as the school concert, graduation, excursions, orientation days and Going Up days. All dates are now public in the school calendar which can be found on the new website. The concerts this year will be a modified version of our usual format, simply because of the interruptions, the time we have had to prepare and the need to keep our usual learning and teaching routine as consistent as possible. The concert will also have a real community feel as we gather together to have some dinner, be entertained and socialise. Please remember, that only double vaxxed people over 16 can attend any school functions. Your vaccination status will be checked upon entry. We are following the health guidelines. If your child is not going to be at the concert for whatever reason, please let their teacher know as soon as possible so that the necessary adjustments can be made for the performance to go ahead.
Thank you to the parents that gave feedback about the website and new app. It feels like we are on the right track. If you haven’t downloaded the SZapp yet, please do so this week as the admin staff will start putting out notifications through this platform next week. Contact the school if you need any assistance with this.
A reminder that our school photos are booked in for Wednesday the 17th of November. Please ensure that all children are in their full summer uniforms for the day. No sports uniforms for this day!
Next Monday, the 15th of November, the staff will be updating their First Aid certificates. This is done every 2 years for the majority of the staff as it mandated that we have trained First Aid staff on site at all times. This will be a school closure day.
This Thursday, the children making the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, will spend the day with Sue and Fr. Sajan at the Bungaree Parish Centre preparing for their ceremony which will be at 5.30 at Bungaree. Please keep Maeve, Sullivan, Patrick, Tara, Oscar, Ahlia and Lucy in your prayers as they continue their faith journey.
Just a reminder to the families attending that all adults over 16 need to scan in and show proof of their vaccination.

We have waited long enough! Let’s start to get a bit excited about the rest of the year and all that it will bring.
Stay safe and take care everyone.
Upcoming Dates
11th November Thursday
Sacramental Retreat and Sacraments @ Bungaree Parish Centre
Retreat day for children making their Eucharist and Confirmation. The ceremony will take place at 5.30 pm at Bungaree Church
15th November Monday
School Closure Day
Staff First Aid Training
17th November Thursday
School Photos
25th November Wednesday
Stayback for Juniors and Year 2 Sleepover
8th December Wednesday
Year 6 Graduation and End of Year Thanksgiving Mass 6.30pm
10th December Friday
End of year excursion
14th December Tuesday
Last day of school for children
15th December Wednesday
Assessment day for children
16th December Thursday
PD day for staff
17th December Friday
Last day for staff
31st January 2022 Monday
Children return to school
Senior Room
It has been a very busy and productive couple of weeks in the senior room. With Callum the students have been looking at different data sets and learning how to interpret it. They have been creating questions and writing statements about thier data and sharing their findings. They have also been learning some new ICT skills, learning how to create a graph using google sheets. Jenny has been working with the students on fractions and decimals with a big focus on number lines.
In writing we have continued our work on poems and learning about all the different styles and formats. Thus far the students have written some absolutely beautiful, creative and mind blowing poems and have been enjoying the experience. We will continue to include a few poems in each newsletter for you all to enjoy.
Concert practice has been in full swing and the acts are looking great! The students have done an incredible job to remember all types of different moves and lines for a number of acts. They are really looking forward to showcasing thier work at the concert in a few weeks time.

Basketball Fun and Games
Basketball has become very popular here at St Mary's this week after the arrival of our brand new basketball ring. P.E this week involved a skills lesson on different basketball skills and a run down of the rules. The students have been enjoying the sunny weather throwing up shot after shot or "making it rain". A big thanks to Majella and Jason Muller for their help with the new ring, the students (and Callum) are absolutely loving it.

Junior Room
We have a Cate from the Australian Catholic University in our classroom completing her teaching placement. Cate has been teaching shared reading and maths each day. In writing we have been learning about different types of poetry. This week we have been creating Five Senses poems which do not rhyme this has been a challenge for us as we really had some fun creating rhyming sentences! We have also ended our maths topic on money, thanks to Bryden and Ben Gage who gifted the school with some money games which will be a great tool to consolidate our new learning! Our new focus in maths is fractions. In one of our maths lessons we made fruit out of playdough and the students had to make a part and whole.

School Photos Wednesday 17th November
School Photos will take place Wednesday 17th November.
Each student is to bring their individual envelope on this day to school. We are still holding the envelopes at the school for families who have dropped theirs into admin.
Students are to wear full summer uniform. White socks, clean black school shoes and green or yellow hair ribbons for the girls.
Please contact Leonie if you are unable to locate your photo envelope or have any further queries
Gardening and Tidying Roster 2021/2022
Involves general tidying and weeding that will require basic tools and basic safety precautions.
Sweep the deck, sweep the front concrete path, cob web brush buildings, bang mats, weed the garden beds at the front of the school, weed the garden beds at the side of the school, weed the garden beds in the playground.
Denman Family | 8th Nov – 21st Nov |
Gage Family | 22nd Nov – 5th Dec |